Thursday, April 6, 2023

Spring Soccer

 It’s Spring Soccer season and we are beginning to immerse ourselves in the soccer world. It all started when I asked my Dad if I could borrow some of his soccer gear. I asked to borrow soccer clothes because I wanted to start working out again. After 3 kids, I need to get back into shape, was my mentality. He gave me 2 outfits and told me I could keep them. I started wearing them, just to lounge. Those Nike shorts felt amazing. Alright boys, let me teach you how to play soccer, became the goal.

World Cup came around and we watched some games together. I bought them some cleats and was delighted to be able to. We started playing at my favorite park in the city next to ours. Roll up goals that are netted and ready, green grass and an open field. A soccer player’s dream. 

Their Dad got them some indoor soccer sessions and while I was watching them play, a family friend invited me to play on a soccer team. Due to good timing and alignment, I signed up. I started playing and when I started playing, I started to remember who I am. I’ve had a soccer ball at my feet since I knew how to walk. 

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