Monday, December 6, 2021

Soothing Sounds

“Do you hear that?” I asked.

“What does it sound like?” He replied.

“It sounds like rain.” I said.

“Pearl is eating a bagel.” We both laugh. 

She brings me the sound of rain while I am longing for peace and quiet. And it soothes my heart. I tell myself, just keep going. Soon you’ll be a baby again and forget too quickly to hold onto the sadness. 

“What do I do if I keep getting shocked when I plug and unplug the Christmas lights?” 

“Probably just don’t plug them in anymore.” 

I think about what she said, about the root word of courage being “cor”, meaning heart; the message being to “tell the story of who you are with your whole heart”. (Brene Brown)

“I’m frozen.” She says. 

“I’m vulnerable.” I replied. 

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