Tuesday, December 28, 2021

2022 Resolutions

 I’ve started to think about some New Years resolutions to set for this upcoming year, 2022. 

Of course I decided to have a look at the Merriam Webster for some synonyms of the word, resolution for inspiration. One of the synonyms for the word resolution stayed with me. That word was “call”. This New Year, 2022, we want to call our best resolutions as often as possible. Let us remember every time we pick up the telephone to call, first our resolutions. Let’s make some good ones. 


 Before you were born I didn’t think I had it in me to love someone as much as the ones I love. And then you came along and baby, I’d gladly lay down my life for you. 

Even more than that, I’d gladly give every day for the next 100 years to love you and your brothers and your Dad. That’s my hope. 

My dreams you interrupt with reality. I stare into your little face and happiness fills every chamber of my heart. God, such a gift. Thank you.

Monday, December 27, 2021

After Christmas

The Christmas buzz has worn away 

The streets slick with water

Warm Santa’s cookies paired with vanilla ice cream.

Thinking of our next dentist visit

Our society is focused on health 

Learning the balance

Cross fitting the bridge of life.

Not too many at once

Little by little

Slow and steady.

Trying to eat healthy

Needing some vitamins

Drops of oregano oil. 

We remember when the pandemic first began

The sequence of events

Cross fitting the bridge of life. 

It’s quiet without the loved ones we lost

To think of their smiles

Now just memories to hold onto

And loved ones to hold dear

As we cross fit the bridge of life. 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Soothing Sounds

“Do you hear that?” I asked.

“What does it sound like?” He replied.

“It sounds like rain.” I said.

“Pearl is eating a bagel.” We both laugh. 

She brings me the sound of rain while I am longing for peace and quiet. And it soothes my heart. I tell myself, just keep going. Soon you’ll be a baby again and forget too quickly to hold onto the sadness. 

“What do I do if I keep getting shocked when I plug and unplug the Christmas lights?” 

“Probably just don’t plug them in anymore.” 

I think about what she said, about the root word of courage being “cor”, meaning heart; the message being to “tell the story of who you are with your whole heart”. (Brene Brown)

“I’m frozen.” She says. 

“I’m vulnerable.” I replied.