Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Rainy Days

I remember a few days from when I was a kid when I just didn't want to go to school. Because I lived one street over from my elementary school I actually walked home during school one of those days and I climbed in the kitchen window to have some peace and solitude. I'm pretty sure I returned to school without anyone knowing I was even gone.
On those types of days I'd go to my teachers and talk to them about what I was going through. Whether they agreed it was my fault or not, talking to them seemed to help. I could be honest about what I was going through and receive a safe response. The strength and honesty in their feedback gave me the courage I needed to either apologize or make amends.
Many times we've seen accounts close, people saying bye and cutting off communication with others. I remember those types of emotions like I climbed in the kitchen window yesterday. I guess some days are going to be like that for the rest of our existence.
What I do know and recognize still, are the people who help us along the way. The teachers we learned from and those we follow, looking forward to a hug from mom or dad, going to soccer practice or playing with the neighbors... the reasons we have to think we can endure the days that are hard for us to get through.

Suzie Sateri

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