Sunday, April 15, 2018

We Imagine

It's been a while. Not to long, but just a while. How long is a while anyway?

I want to paint. I need to paint and when I think about painting I just want to sit here and write. Then writing makes me feel like painting because I want to finish my painting projects. I'm trying to give myself at least 2-3 years to finish one. Because that's just how long I should give myself to finish the painting.

It's a gift. A gift that saves lives. That's why I love it so much.

It encourages me to make the best of this life of mine.

Not just the painting itself, but what has gone into it and what it is evolving into. It's so beautiful. Like the bottom of a Japanese bell.

The eyes of it originated like neon lights beaming across the night sky.
Then it was all white like the quilt my baby boy's great great grandfather and his wife shared.
Parts of it are still like that.

But like a seed that breaks through the soil and grows towards the light of the sun, the painting is bursting with beauty from the heart of it.

And so we imagine.

Suzie Sateri

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