Monday, January 9, 2017

Mind Giggles

I see the button that says compose, look at the definition, get inspired and I think to myself, I have to finish this story. Where do I put it? I don't know so I scatter it as it comes to me. I wake up and ache from being with child and am thankful because of it while I listen to the natural composition of the rain tapping. I go to the bathroom and have to use another one because I couldn't bear to deal with the mouse that was caught in the trap trying to escape.

The kids woke shortly after I began this composition and immediately went to check if the mouse was caught yet. One of them released it said another accidentally. The sounds of laughter whirl around in my head from the kids trying to catch the mouse all night as it ran around my messy desk. So I sit here, in bed, while I write, until I have the time and space to clean what the mouse made so evident I had to. I laugh to myself. Even if my face doesn't show it I giggle in my mind and my heart feels happy because of it.

This composition is a reflection of my desk but that doesn't even matter to me at the moment as much as my reflections on times of self-regulation. There are times when we are operating from the heart and what we've done doesn't make sense. Then the time tick talks as we learn the beauty of the lessons that come from mistakes. And it is, I believe the time's tick talking, like the tapping of the rain that help us understand how to correct these very perspectives that hold us back from living in the now.

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