Thursday, June 23, 2016

33 Tickets

   I walked up to the Lost and Found window line at Disneyland. A lady standing behind me pointed me in the direction of one of the open windows. Since nobody said, "May I help you?" or "Ill be right with you." I didn't even realize there was a person at the window. I walked up to it and sure enough there was a man sitting there. He directed me back to the lost and found window I was in and I waited for the lady to help me.
   While I was waiting I read the sign next to the window where the man was sitting. I realized tickets for Club 33 are found there. I went back to his window after I was finished talking with the lady at lost and found and asked him how to go about getting tickets for Club 33. He said, "You have to be a member of the club or know someone who is a member..." and mentioned it is very expensive.
Suzie Sateri

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