Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Human Connection

Human Connection 
I was reading a section in the book my sister let me borrow called, "Daring Greatly" by Brene Brown. The author provides the book with an article she wrote up for the Houston Chronicle on the subject of connecting with people. In the article she brings up a fantastic argument about the service industry going downhill not so much because of the service, rather the customer connection. She complains too many people order their food, coffee, etc. while on their cell phone or connected to their technological devices so much that they miss the human being standing directly in front of them. 
I thought this was a very interesting and important topic to touch on. I was watching the show "Good Luck Charlie" on the Disney channel over the weekend with my family. The Mom on the show was trying to have her daughter and friends make connections with each other for team building exercises and when she went downstairs to check on the girls, each was on their cell phone in their own world. She took the cell phones away from them and the reactions of the girls as they were letting go of their cell phones made us laugh like crazy. They were each so reluctant to disconnect in order to connect.
This is a funny topic to watch on TV or read about because I think most everyone can relate. When we have so much connection at our fingertips and readily available, its hard to truly connect human to human. Although its difficult, it is necessary to connect with one another in order to maintain our humanity. Brene Brown was right when she said its dehumanizing to be making orders and talking on the cell phone while there is a human being receiving those orders. Something interesting to think about. 

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