Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chapter One

I wandered the college campus, trying to find the piano rooms so I could practice my latest challenger, the chopsticks. I can't seem to move my right hand at the same time as my left unless I am playing the same keys on both hands. I'm working on it.
Like myself, the guy next to me must have been wondering why I'd picked the room right next to his in the piano hall while all of the other rooms were empty. My skills are completely elementary compared to his, and while he played away like nobody was listening, so did I.
Before I actually found the piano hall, in my wandering, I also found the performing arts center. I walked over to the double doors at the back entrance and noticed the stage was lit. I found an open door and walked with both hands reaching out in front of me, feeling for a seat in the darkness.
I peacefully watched the performance, appreciating the way it seemed so professional and profound. I sat in awe, watching the dancers move swiftly and gracefully across the stage in unison.
The dance told many stories. There was love, triumph, grace and vulnerability. Nonetheless, there was emotion that evoked passion and inspired me like crazy. When the dance ended, the teacher asked the dancers to practice their bows. After the third and final bow I stood and clapped loudly in the dark corner where my seat was and bolted.
In the life of a student, you will find love and time well spent.
Xx Suzie

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