Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Casa of URM

I drove into a neighborhood I had frequented before in Downtown LA for shopping and such. Just a few blocks from the shopping areas, I followed directions into streets filled with homeless people. The sidewalks were lined with people of all sorts... some laying on the ground & some walking, while other groups stood and chatted among themselves. I thought of them in the hot weather and remembered a paper I read about how there is a group of people who go out on the streets to pass out water when it is over 80 degrees outside. I felt thankful.

I pulled into the parking structure and was warmly greeted by my new buddy (a former homeless man). He had opened a spot for me by moving his own car out of the way & made me smile huge. I was on my way in. I walked into the building that had become already somewhat familiar to me visually when I was greeted by a homeless younger woman in the lobby. She told me she liked my hair, which I'd pulled loosely into a side french braid. She said she used to be a hair dresser.

Does she know she's more than qualified to give & be complimented?

I thanked her and made my way to the bathroom. When I walked back to check in with some kind people at the office, she greeted me again. "You know, you should work at Disneyland or something" she said. I looked at her with a puzzled grin. "Really? You think so? Why do you say that?" I asked. "Because you're really nice and smiley and it just seems like you could work there." She responded. I giggled, "Thank you so much. You are too cute." I said.

I wonder about her.. How she got to where she was and what she is doing now. I closed my eyes as I walked into the office and envisioned her as a hair dresser, laughing and visiting with ladies who want to feel beautiful just as we all do. I prayed.

Xx Suzie
Love this song. 

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