Sunday, October 25, 2009

Love U My Friend!

You. The world lights up when your face shines on it. You exude a priceless aura that doesn't compare to anyone I know. God lives so much inside of you and it shows in the way you look at other people. My friend I love you so much. I wish I could show you the way I see you through my eyes so you can catch a tiny glimpse of the you that I see. That's only the potential I see, all that I'm capable, but you are made for so much more than that. I love you so much. You're beautiful, you're amazing, your eyes shine, you have the best heart, you always want to see everyone else happy. I see what you do and I respect and admire your willingness to sacrifice all you want for yourself to make sure everyone else is okay. I love you so much and I know what you're doing. I'll stand behind you no matter what and show you unconditional love the best way I know how. I know you stand on that same ground with me without even speaking about it. You're amazing and you're rocking the world with your energy, even though nobody else might see it. You stand behind the light and let it shine. You don't take the credit and your work totally goes in vain in the eyes of man but I'm sure God shines his eyes on you and your work never goes in vain with him. I can't find words good enough to describe the greatness I see in you. I just love you with all of my heart and I hope I can be the kind of friend to you that you are to me. We've shared our successes and our sorrows. I've carried your hardships and you've carried mine. We've not only experienced joy but created it to pass on forever in our time together. You've stood tall and I've stood tall, we've both fallen, up, down, round, and thing stays true, I've got a friend in you and you've got a friend in me. I love you and I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Thank you for being a friend. I would have not been able to stand so tall today if it weren't for you giving me hope and Faith and believing in me more than I believed in myself sometimes...and sometimes still do...along the way. I love you. You are an amazing friend.

Xx Suzie
"Jason Mraz-'God Moves Through You'"

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