Sunday, February 16, 2025

One More Week of No Walking

 Not much of an eventful day except for walking too much on my crutches. Glad I got to watch soccer. Happy my parents help me. I love watching my kids play soccer. 

Not much talking except thinking of my great grandfather meeting my great grandmother in the movie of my mind. He worked at a penitentiary next to the hospital she worked at. I probably would've liked him if I were her. The cheeky Irishman. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

It's a Bird

 I looked up into the pale blue sky at the empty branches, still strong and almost perfectly aligned. The hummingbird just perched itself at the very tip top of the tree. It couldn't be looking at me, could it? It sat with its red highlights. Is it looking at me? 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Gnarly Feet Socks

 Who calls the foot models for these kind of socks? lol

Yoga Socks

 Fun socks

Santa's Wink

 I was so happy for her, the new mom. I don't remember her age, maybe 45. 

She had a patch over her eye, the baby. 

To strengthen the muscles in the other eye, her mom told me. 

The eye with the patch over it was the strong one. 

So I closed my eye as much as I could think to, and strengthened the muscles in my other one. 

The generous giver is well taken care of. 

As I Wake from Surgery

I would like to remember the way this feels. 

To remind myself to constantly refill the water.

Offer juices, coffee, tea. 

Have consistent meal times and healthy snacks in between. 

Check for comfort.

Listen to complaints and follow up. 

If the pain is disrupting sleep, what is the cause? Follow up until it subsides. 

Wash the hair, the face, the underarms and help cleanse. 

Pick up the laundry, put it in the basket. Clean the clothes. Stack the clothes. Get the towel.

Have the samples. 

Help with the children. 

Watch favorite shows filled with lighthearted laughter. 

Listen to music. Sing.

Make plans for the future. 

Bring the dogs in. Let the cat chat. 

Be present and understand the gift as time ticks away.