Monday, April 1, 2024

Last Home Game of the Season

 The Strykers had their last home game of the season yesterday vs. the Tacoma Stars. The game went into overtime and was finally won by the Stars with one overtime goal. It was a great game and a close game. Once again, the Strykers almost saw a well deserved win, but didn't get it. There was a lot of talk about being hopeful for next season and I suppose that's what we have to look forward to now. 

The game got a little bit intense at moments. One might think since it was their last game of the season that the Strykers might be unreasonably aggressive after some unreasonably aggressive moments from the opposition, but the composure the Strykers showed was absolutely sophisticated. When teams are able to keep their composure as the Strykers did under pressure like that is an indication that the leadership they're under is excellent. 

The end of a season filled with being so close to winning but met with frustration and one point losses, ended with fans like me hearing chants from my baby every day, "Let's go Strykers! Ch ch, ch, ch, ch!", making every moment worthwhile. The wins and losses were not as important as watching the players kindness with my kids, watching the players take care of each other, celebrating together, pushing through when it was difficult to keep the faith, the leadership understanding the nature of each play and responding according to the essence of human needs. 

I'm thankful to have been a part of this season. I'm grateful to be a part of the league. As a fan and a mother have been inspired, hopeful and greatly entertained. I walked into the Toyota Arena for my first game of the season with what felt like a shattered ankle (and hopes), and followed it closely to the end. At the end of the season, I am thankful. So incredibly thankful for a renewed hope and inspiration. Thank you so much to the Empire Strykers team and organization. 

The playoffs are starting this Friday for other teams at 4:35pmPST. The schedule can be found via There are some Strykers players playing in the playoffs for the Tacoma Stars. Their first game is on Saturday, April 6th at 7:05PST. The playoffs can be followed via's MASL_soccer. 

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Game In Progress

Toyota Arena

Ontario, California

4:05 Start 

Last game of the season. 

Tune in virtually and join the emote only chat if you've been a follower for 3 months+. MASL_soccer

Saturday, March 30, 2024

No More Head Balls

 I know this is kind of a long shot, but I don't think we should allow heading the ball in soccer anymore. The safety of soccer players will increase with this new protocol and it's not make or break the game. 

Concussion Signs and Symptoms

 "Here are some general concussion tips to check for signs and symptoms, as well as what to do if a concussion is suspected:

  1. Know the Signs and Symptoms: Familiarize yourself with the common signs and symptoms of a concussion, which may include headache, dizziness, confusion, nausea, sensitivity to light or noise, memory problems, and changes in mood or behavior.

  2. Assess the Situation: If you suspect someone has suffered a concussion, assess the situation carefully. Look for any visible signs of injury, such as loss of consciousness, disorientation, or difficulty with balance or coordination.

  3. Seek Medical Attention: If a concussion is suspected, it's essential to seek medical attention promptly. Even if symptoms seem mild, it's important to have a healthcare professional evaluate the individual to rule out more serious injuries and provide appropriate care and guidance.

  4. Rest and Recovery: Following a concussion, it's crucial to allow the brain time to rest and recover. This may involve physical and cognitive rest, including avoiding activities that could exacerbate symptoms, such as strenuous exercise, screen time, or mentally demanding tasks.

  5. Monitor Symptoms: Keep a close eye on the individual's symptoms and monitor for any changes or worsening of symptoms over time. Be vigilant for signs of post-concussion syndrome, which may include persistent headaches, dizziness, fatigue, or cognitive difficulties.

  6. Follow Healthcare Provider's Recommendations: Follow the guidance and recommendations provided by the healthcare provider managing the concussion. This may include instructions for symptom management, gradual return to activity, and monitoring for any complications or lingering effects.

  7. Educate Others: Educate coaches, teammates, parents, and others involved in sports or activities about the signs and symptoms of concussions, as well as the importance of proper concussion management and prevention strategies.

  8. Implement Prevention Measures: Take steps to prevent concussions whenever possible, such as ensuring the use of appropriate protective equipment, teaching and practicing safe techniques and skills, and promoting a culture of safety and awareness in sports and activities.

Remember, concussions are serious injuries that require prompt attention and proper management to ensure optimal recovery and reduce the risk of complications. If you have any concerns about a concussion or need further guidance, consult with a healthcare professional experienced in concussion management." - Chat GPT 3.5

Friday, March 29, 2024

Sunday Game

 The Empire Strykers have their last home game of the season on Sunday. Tickets are $5 each and it's a celebration for the Empire Strykers fans! The game starts at 4:05pm PST at the Toyota Arena in Ontario, California. The Empire Strykers are playing the Tacoma Stars. For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit Remember, parking is $15. 

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Coaching Run and Gun Style

 "As a coach, here are some tips for implementing a successful run and gun style of play in indoor soccer:

  1. Emphasize Fitness and Conditioning: The run and gun style requires players to maintain a high level of fitness and endurance. Implement conditioning drills and fitness training sessions to ensure that players have the stamina to sustain the fast-paced, up-tempo play style for the duration of the game.

  2. Encourage Quick Transitions: Emphasize the importance of quick transitions between offense and defense. Teach players to transition rapidly from attacking to defensive positions and vice versa, enabling them to capitalize on scoring opportunities and disrupt the opponent's attacks effectively.

  3. Focus on Ball Movement and Possession: Encourage crisp, accurate passing and ball movement to maintain possession and create scoring chances. Emphasize the importance of one-touch passing, quick combinations, and movement off the ball to break down the opponent's defense and create space.

  4. Promote High Pressure and Intensity: Instill a mentality of high pressure and intensity throughout the game. Encourage players to press aggressively to win back possession quickly and apply relentless pressure on the opponent's defense to force turnovers and create scoring opportunities.

  5. Utilize Speed and Agility: Utilize the speed and agility of your players to your advantage. Identify and develop players with exceptional speed and agility who can exploit gaps in the opponent's defense, beat defenders one-on-one, and create scoring opportunities with their pace.

  6. Empower Creative Playmakers: Identify and empower creative playmakers who can dictate the tempo of the game and unlock defenses with their vision, skill, and creativity. Encourage these players to take risks, make decisive plays, and provide the spark needed to break down stubborn defenses.

  7. Practice Shooting and Finishing: Dedicate time to practicing shooting and finishing techniques to ensure that players can capitalize on scoring opportunities. Develop drills that focus on shooting accuracy, power, and technique from various positions on the field to sharpen players' scoring instincts.

  8. Instill a Winning Mentality: Foster a winning mentality among your players, emphasizing the importance of confidence, determination, and resilience. Encourage players to believe in their abilities, stay focused and composed under pressure, and never give up, regardless of the scoreline.

  9. Adjust Tactics as Needed: Be flexible and adaptable with your tactics based on the flow of the game and the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent. Make strategic adjustments to maintain control of the game and exploit any vulnerabilities in the opponent's defense.

  10. Promote Teamwork and Communication: Emphasize the importance of teamwork, cohesion, and communication on the field. Encourage players to work together as a cohesive unit, communicate effectively, and support each other both on and off the ball to maximize their collective effectiveness.

By implementing these tips and principles, you can develop a cohesive and dynamic team capable of executing a successful run and gun style of play in indoor soccer." - Chat GPT 3.5

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Me and Chat GPT, Mostly Chat GPT

 Here are some key tips to help us excel in our run and gun style of play:

  1. Stay Fit and Ready: We need to be in top physical condition to maintain our high-intensity playstyle. That means giving 100% in every training session and taking care of our bodies off the field. Stay hydrated, eat well and focus.

  2. Quick Transitions: Be ready to switch from offense to defense and vice versa in the blink of an eye. Be proactive in anticipating the next move at all times.

  3. Move the Ball: Ball movement is key to breaking down the opponent's defense. Look for quick, accurate passes to keep possession and create scoring opportunities.

  4. Pressure, Pressure, Pressure: We need to apply relentless pressure all over the field. Let your presence be known when marking the opponent, disrupt their passing lanes, and force turnovers to create chances.

  5. Use Your Speed: Join a track team. Use your quickness to beat defenders, make runs behind the defense, and create space for your teammates.

  6. Be Creative: Study the movement of the opposition before you receive the ball so you know where to go before you get it. Be creative with your dribbling, passing, and shooting to keep the defense guessing.

  7. Finish Strong: When you get a chance on goal, be clinical. Work on your shooting and finishing so that when the opportunity arises, you can put the ball in the back of the net.

  8. Believe in Each Other: We're a team, and we're in this together. Believe in yourselves and your teammates, and continue off the ball movement, 1-2 touches on the ball, quick, accurate, strong shots and 110% effort until the final whistle blows.

  9. Communicate: Communication is key on the field. Talk to each other, let your teammates know where you are, show them potential runs and work together to achieve goals.

  10. Have Fun: Most importantly, let's have fun out there! Enjoy the game, play with passion, and leave everything on the field.

Remember, it's not just about winning—it's about playing our best and giving it our all."