Thursday, October 31, 2019


"I thought about the note from my Grandmother and I decided, much like the story of the Beauty and the Beast, to take the things into consideration.

I had been recently told by the Dentist that I needed a root canal.
A channel to connect me to my true roots (is how I thought of the procedure).

Sometimes things can reach people when people can't reach people.
Things like this wedding dress.

Should it reach you, take good care of it, in the best way you can.
Believe, hope and have endurance during moments when life and love are seemingly unbearable."

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Wedding Dress

"By the time she reaches you (the Wedding Dress), she's a few months prior to being 100 years old." I begin to read the handwriting of my dear Grandmother as I hold this beautiful wedding gown in my arms.
..."I remember when my Grandmother gave it to me. She didn't speak much of it, but handed it to me with a note that read:

'...Love suffers long and is kind;
love does not envy;
love does not parade itself, is not puffed up;
does not behave rudely,
does not seek its own,
is not provoked,
thinks no evil;
does not rejoice in iniquity,
but rejoices in the truth;
bears all things,
believes all things,
hopes all things,
endures all things.
Love never fails.'

When you wear this wedding gown, you will stand in the armor of understanding that in your marriage, will manifest, create and exist this type of love."

Suzie Sateri

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Hip Hop

Baby I'd like to give you wings.

Wings to fly.
Wings to swim.

Wings to cover the land.
Wings to soothe the pain.

Wings made of light gold.

I've become a baby.
What will I endure with the blessings I've been given?
To save a life.

Yes, baby, I'd like to give you wings.

Wings to fly.
Wings to swim.

Wings to cover the land.
Wings to soothe the pain.

Wings made of light gold.

Rest in my shadow and allow me to endure.
For you have a brilliant, beautiful life to live as do I have to give.

Will this be the sole version of us always baby?

Yes baby, I'd like to give you wings.

Wings to fly.
Wings to swim.

Wings to cover the land.
Wings to soothe the pain.

Wings of light gold.

Suzie Sateri

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hugs and Hand Holding

"Can I pet your dog?" The toddler said to me. 
"Yes you may. Thank you for asking." Was my reply. 
I stood there as my dog went on her back in her most vulnerable position to get belly scratches from the little ones. 
"Pet her belly (I showed an example of the way to pet her as in a way not to pet her privates)." 
She was thrilled to get love and attention. 

I was exhausted and my son was still asking for my attention. As I was trying to get him to go to sleep I reached a moment where I was at the end of my rope (so to speak). At that moment, he found my hand with his hand and he held my hand and went to sleep. The feeling of holding his tiny hand in mine was worth every frustrating moment leading up to that one. 

My son has just started school and the first few days have been really hard for me. I've struggled with the decisions of whether or not to send him. My original plan was to write curriculum for Disneyland and educate him alongside me and my younger son with the new curriculum. I want him also, to make friends and develop meaningful relationships in a safe environment outside of our family so ultimately decided to send him to school. Every day he's wanted to stay with me and I love having him around. When I met him at the gate after school he approached me with a heartfelt smile and gave me a sweet hug hello.