Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Like An Eagle

Thank you for killing my pain.
And for loving me as you love your best self.

A father in a room full of birds.
Even our nation started with four of them.

Some like shooting stars.
Bright when they fly across the sky but they only exist for a little while.

Beautiful souls trying to find their way in life.
Like a father watching over his children, he endured.

As for me, he made me want to live my life.

Suzie Sateri

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Tiki Room

We stood on the edge of the stairway at Disneyland and watched the fireworks.
They're loud, really loud.
And they're stunning. 

He pointed his finger at me like he was shooting a gun and I wondered if he realized he made that gesture.
And I listened to his words that were spoken so quickly I could only decipher the ones that went along with his gesture.
It was pure genius.

I saw a lizard wedged between the wood on the deck and when I looked closer I recognized the body of a snake under it.
Possibly a king snake that had its stuck jaws spread around the lizard's neck.

When I came home he asked me if I wanted to drink the blood of a lizard and I thought, but I'm not a king.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

How So

When one goes through it, we all go through it they say.

We've been having babies, our generation, and now we are going through the phase of, can I even stand this person I've had my babies with?
The answer lately is no with glimpses of yes.

Baby needs mother during the first phases of life and father in different ways.
Here is one perspective: You are an infant, take care of yourself. 

Have we been and do we have the capability of nurturing the most vulnerable pieces of one another?

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


She said it was evident we were born into the A team and I think she had a point.

He did go Awol when we were kids.
His best friend sent an email about it.
He took us along with him and called me a psycho.

We went through it together.
They were our sunshine and our fun nights in the town.

It must have been a combination of the two of them.
She was the storm and he weathered it.
They had eyes for each other and brought out the best in us.

He was a veteran of the United States and her, like a veterinarian.
Year after year, steady as the sunshine they've been.
Yet they still manage to be all they can be.

They just began to discover one another as we begin to recognize who we are.
I look at their faces and experience the colors of the rainbow.
They've worn them all and blended together.
Mostly the red, white and blue.

Now he's wearing those instead of the little psycho.
And she defends like it wasn't even his position to begin with.

We watch like children and participate in the bliss and in the madness.

Being gently guided we ask questions about whether we should kneel or stand.
Deciding when we will that we should just trust.

The blood, sweat and tears of our lineage have given us life.
And through that, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Thank you for the memories that enrich the lives of so many.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Dragon

I told my son he and his father have their own secret language when they play video games because I don't really like to play those types of games. But I love when they talk to me about what they play.

Our son told me about a dragon in the video game he and his Dad were playing. I asked him what he does when he sees the dragon and his Dad says they shoot it. I questioned. What if it's a good dragon? His Dad says they just "shoot all of the bad off of the dragon so it can be happy". That makes sense. Sorta.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018


At a beach in California a few days after the last post.
Possibly a person with integrity.
I hope the light lifts you up and makes you feel blessed.