Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Blu & Exile - No Greater Love

I Am Him

"Please don't take music away from him", my brother says. I'm not sure if he even said that out loud or if that's just what I heard.
Since when did OBG become a man?
Google says I can't get paid for my blog with add sense if I have music videos and the like here because most of them are from different sources.


I don't want to be such a bitch sometimes.
Then other times I think it's probably a good thing.
Healthy because it's just a part of life.
Then I watch Michael go into his beast modes and I laugh to myself (after the fact).
When I get in bad moods and feel like the biggest bitch on earth thinking about his beast modes makes me feel better about myself.
So he helps me a lot.
I hope he lol's at this post instead of going into beast mode though.


How did that make me feel? Like a beast.
My poor dog. She is limping so I gave her children's Tylenol.

Michael Says

Michael says I should write the letter for our new home as an outside voice. More of a we. I didn't know how.

My Voice

I don't know if I want to use my voice as much as I should because without my mom I sound like nails on a chalkboard.