Monday, December 4, 2017

I Want to Hear that Soulful Laughter

I want to hear that soulful laughter.
The kind that comes from deep within a person.
The kind that can make someone feel so good it becomes that contagious sort of laughter.
When my babies laugh, I might not laugh on the outside but I'm usually beaming from ear to ear on the inside.
I love to hear that soulful laughter.
I love to see others laugh like that.
And when we get to laugh like that, we know how it feels to soulfully laugh.

Soulful Laughter

According to Google, the word, Soulful, in French translation is an adjective meaning: 

"1. Sentimental
 2. Expressif
 3. Attendrissant
 4. Eloquent"

And Laughter in Bermese there was no translation found. Laughter, in English, is defined as: 

(noun) "The action or sound of laughing." 

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Christmas Canon (Video)

Christmas Song

Las Vegas

A place that warms my heart. Not because of all of the lights and fun times but the people who've embraced me like one of their kind. Some I've known my entire life and some have manifested from that love. Happy Holidays to some of my favorite people in the entire universe.


Comfort Kind

Comfort -

(person, place, thing or idea) 
"A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint." 
"The easing or alleviation of a person's feelings of grief or distress."

"Ease the grief or distress of; console."

Kind -

(person, place, thing or idea) 
"A group of people or things having similar characteristics."
"Character; nature."
"Each of the elements of the Eucharist." 

Via Google Definitions

Saturday, December 2, 2017

The Good Cheer

Christmas time is near
The good cheer
Fills my heart with light.

Suzanne Sateri