Friday, December 7, 2012

Sunset Love


Regret, remorse and guilt are all emotions that are so incredibly difficult to shake. They are negative emotions I'm sure everyone has experienced some time or another. You think of what you could have or should have done differently but you can't go back and change the past no matter how hard you try. So you must move forward. Depression is an awful and lonely disease that alienates people from society.
Millions of people suffer from depression and according to, depression affects one in ten US adults. So if you are feeling depressed, don't feel like you are alone in your struggle. There are things that make depression worse as well as things that make it better. If you are around someone who is depressed, know that your kindness in hard times can stick with them for a lifetime.
"Hurting people hurt people." -Joyce Meyer
Let us choose to be kind.
Song on Forgiving

Wednesday, October 24, 2012