Sunday, July 1, 2012


"Write something you think someone else would want to hear."
The words still ring in my mind as I ponder what I would want to hear in any given situation or circumstance. It's hard to say what you would want to hear because one moment goes into the next, flowing like liquid time, so there is no definite answer you can give for any given time. Yet, every moment is different and has its own unique chord, intertwining with the next to make a song, leaving footprints where there was once no trail. Its in each moment we find answers so its important to be gentle with ourselves about what we do not yet know or understand and try to just BE as much as possible. Like be in prayer or sing, play music, slow down, or be still and just listen. ... Patience breeds wisdom and it is a lifelong adventure containing boundless possibilities.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

James Madison

"To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without virtue in the people is a commercial idea." - James Madison

It is an illusion to think that the government has the power to decide the liberty or happiness of the people. Virtue comes from within. -Suz

Friday, June 15, 2012

Oregano Splash

Sean, do you want to take oregano oil again?
I'm scared of that.
Come on.. Just try it. It's really good for you.
Okay fine.
He decides it's not that bad and convinces @nice2Mitra to try.
Sean turns back and asks if we have mint because we did last time.
Nope, sorry, not this time.
Sean (sour face).
We find mint gum and everyone is happy.

Picture timeline on @SuzCqomy