Friday, February 10, 2012

Look up Get up

Tears, they come and they go. Press on... and don't ever give up.

Domi's English Lessons

This is Domi's paper that I love so much because I can hear her voice speaking in it with her accent. I love it so much!
"Its a beautiful night in my small city. I'm sitting on the beach; its cool. I'm looking at the water; its dark. The only light that I can see is a reflection of the moon. It's cold, but on my back there is my boyfriend. He hugging me and trying to make me warm. I can listen to his breath on my hair. I feel protect and comfortable in his arms. We stay all night together, and enjoy the beautiful view. It is a beautiful dream. I hope that can be real. I want that this moment never end."

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Happy Birthday Dad

Happy Birthday Dad. I am so incredibly thankful for you and I love you so so much. Thank you for everything you are and have ever been for me and our whole entire family, friends, relatives & beyond. I feel truly blessed to be able to share your story.

I love you,


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

7 Stars

Wanted to share the email I received this morning from the wonderful Laura Landaker. 

"The tragic event that took place 5 years ago today is why the Seven Stars Foundation, Inc. was established. The same qualities that made up this seven member crew, are the same qualities we, as a Foundation, Inc., try to follow. But it is their love of life, family, and friends and how they valued them that should be the most important example to follow. They would not want us to mourn their loss to the point of not seeing the bigger picture: smiling and laughing as much as we can; hugging and kissing our kids and grandkids till our arms ache, never passing up an opportunity to try new things and grow, for you never know where that road will lead you, but most importantly, never pass up an opportunity to say I love you to those close to you. They all knew the value of life and we must find it too. They would tell us to “live like there is no tomorrow”!"

Laura Landaker
Asst. Director and Mom of 1st. Jared M. Landaker, USMC, KIA 2-7-07 Iraq
Seven Stars Foundation, Inc.
Box 2481
Big Bear City, CA 92314

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Nice Read

I am now officially really into and excited about the book The Bungalow. The second chapter captivated my attention because the character in the story decided to take a major and unexpected risk. I can't wait to see how it turns out. On to Chapter 5! :)